Iowa’s work-related deaths mostly farmers, truckers

From an article in the Quad City paper today, 57% of Iowa’s work-related deaths were either farmers or truck drivers. This makes sense – those gear-jamming truck drivers put in a lot of miles, and often put in an insane amount of hours at a time. Trucking accidents are bound to happen.

Farmers use big machines, and are often all alone in the fields. If an accident happens, there might not be someone to call for help as quickly as in a factory setting.

 It all makes sense, but the study didn’t include heart attacks or disease. These cases are difficult to label as “work-related,” but many are. It would also be interesting to see how many other people died in the trucking accidents, and whether they were “working” at the time.

(Howard Zimmerle is an Iowa workers compensation and wrongful death lawyer practicing in the Quad Cities. You can contact him here.)

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